PT Fagan Group Indonesia

PT Fagan Group Indonesia is group of young traders who have experienced the various commodities, engaged in domestic and international trade.

Our Business

Through the creation of business ecosystem with strategic partnership which creates harmonization of supply-demand from upstream to downstream (end to end), added value processes, and measurable commercialization.

Our Vision

“Becoming a Trusted and Leading Trading Company and Having Access to Sources and Marketing Network in domestic as well as abroad”.

Years of Experience
Indonesian Products
Export Countries

We believe in connecting people worldwide.  We strive to work with various companies by accepting their good culture
and help them to work flexibly as per their convenience.

The goal is for UMKM  to enter the global production chain,
and increase the opportunities for UMKM to upgrade.

Support Government

We also support government programs in cooperative partnerships with UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through the principle of mutual benefit.

Spices is Indonesia's 4th largest export commodity

Spices is Indonesia’s fourth largest export commodity, after shrimp, fish and coffee. As one of the world's spice producers, Indonesia has a great opportunity as a supplier of the world's spices to contribute to the Indonesian economypices is Indonesia's fourth largest export commodity, after shrimp, fish and coffee. As one of the world’s spice producers, Indonesia has a great opportunity as a supplier of the world's spices to contribute to the Indonesian economy.

Spices is a plant species that has a strong taste and aroma

Spices is also serves as a flavor and food flavor enhancer. Besides being used in cooking ingredients, spices can also be used as medicine and raw materials of herbal medicine. From its benefits, no wonder if the spices become one of the commodities that have high economic value. Indonesia has a wealth of extraordinary spices in the world and that is what makes other nations come long before the Majapahit empire era.

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History of Indonesian Coffee

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Indonesia Trade Performace of Spices

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