Rotan: A Sustainable and Versatile Resource for Furniture

The history of rotan, or rattan, dates back to ancient times. In ancient Egypt, rotan was often used to make baskets for storing food, fruits, vegetables, and other purposes. During the Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms, rotan became a significant trading commodity, especially due to the bustling trade route of the Malacca Strait. The majority of the world’s rotan supply comes from Indonesia, It is used in the production of furniture, with Indonesia being one of the largest producers of rotan furniture in the world. 


Louvre Museum: Egyptian wicker basket

There are several types of rotan used in furniture making. Some types of rotan used in furniture include:

    1. Rotan Bar: Used as a furniture structure, it has a large diameter.

    1. Pietried rotan: has a small diameter and is generally used to coat furniture with anemone.

    1. Rotan core: The properties are very flexible and are often used for animation.

    1. Lasio/Pheel rotation: Used to cover the rotan frame connection and strengthen the slope on the frame

    1. Sanned pee rotan: rotan material from a rotan core that has been thinly irrigated, resembling a lasio or peel

To choose the right type of rotan for furniture, it is important to consider the purpose of the furniture and the characteristics of the different types of rotan. It is also important to consider the quality of the rotan, as not all types of rotan are suitable for furniture. For example, Daemonoropus draco Blume, also known as Jenang Besar, is a type of rotan that is often used for furniture and weaving due to its large diameter and strength.

As the previous paragraph made clear, rotan has several benefits over wood, especially when it comes to furniture, because it can be harvested more quickly and easier to transport and handle. Also, when utilized as a material for furniture, rotan provides additional advantages, including:

    1. Lightweight: Compared to furniture made of other materials, rotan furniture is lighter, making it easier to handle and transport.

    1. Sliding texture: The rotan furniture fits better in the designated region of the room because of its thin texture.

    1. Good durability: Furniture made of rattan may withstand many years of use.

    1. Attractive Aesthetics: The rotan furniture complements the room area and has an appealing appearance.

So, after knowing the advantages of rotan, are you interested in using rotan furniture?






